Pool & Spa Chemicals - Maintenance Plans
Always Free Water Testing
Keep your water crystal clear and safe! Mr. Pool carries Pristine Blue® brand nonchlorine alternative for pools and spas. It’s gentle on eyes and skin, won’t bleach vinyl liners and your family can swim immediately after application. PristineBlue® is used to control algae and nonpublic health bacteria, and bacteria that cause odor problems in residential swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.
PristineBlue® is environmentally friendly, EPA-registered as an algaecide/bactericide and certified for addition to drinking water by NSF International.
We also stock a complete line of chemicals such as algaecides, chlorine, shock, alkaline and acids to keep your pH at recommended levels and to keep your water clear and your family safe.

Free Water Sample Analysis
Bring us a sample of your pool or spa water and we will test it for you free of charge – and recommend the correct chemicals needed to maintain water clarity.